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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

L’Elément "Eau"

Est au Cœur de l’Harmonie Cellulaire et du Flux Energétique.

Il est relié aux Végétaux, aux Emotions et à la Volonté.

L'Eau est Créatrice de Toutes Vies, elle est un Flux Divin dont nous Sommes composés à env. 70%
Les Molécules d'Eau sont Précieuses, d'une Conscience Intelligente.
Elles Captent les Informations, les Réceptionnes, les Enregistres, les Mémorises, de Tout ce qui l’Entoure.

Mais bien plus encore, Chaque Molécule, Chaque Cristaux, Contiennent La Mémoire Individuelle  et La Mémoire  de Toute l’Humanité.

L'Evolution de l'humanité étant ce qu'elle est devenue, Quelle belle sagesse aujourd'hui de  Remettre de la Lumière dans les Particules d’eau des Océans, des Mers des Lac.
Il est Impératif de Pouvoir Préserver l’Eau Pure sur la Terre et de Pouvoir Bénéficier d’une Eau Pure (exempte de pesticides).
L’Eau est une Energie Puissante, elle va Influencer Notre Eau Intérieure.

Alors entre parenthèse, je Fais Appel aux militaires qui Projettent des missiles dans nos Lacs Suisses ou ailleurs dans le Monde,  afin que Ceux-ci Soient Récupérés Très Rapidement en Conscience de ce que Cela Implique sur Nos Energies, sur l’Humanité et sur la Terre.

Si Tu es Là, c'est que Tu as Envie d'Améliorer Ta Vie, d'Ouvrir Ton Coeur et certainement aussi de Co-Oeuvrer à un Nouveau Fonctionnement dans la Société.

Et l'Eau est le Premier Elément Présent au Quotidien ou Tu as le Pouvoir d'Agir En Conscience.

Grâce à la L'Âm-agit de l’Eau et Ses Pouvoirs d’Enregistrer Nos Vibrations, Intentions, Nous Pouvons  

"L'Informer d'Energie d'Amour, de Guérison, de Mots Lumineux" pour Soi et pour la Planète.

"La Dynamiser avant de Boire cette Potion qui est Devenue "Quantique"
C'est un Privilège de Pouvoir Créer sa Propre Oeuvre Alchimique Intérieure.
Inspirer la Vie, Inspirer la Joie en buvant cette Eau Précieuse.

Ou Purifier son Corps Physique et Ses Corps Subtils de Toutes Energies Extérieures en prenant une Douche ou un Bain Magique.

Infini Gratitude 

Hommage à M. Emoto 

Le Rituel Sacré Verre d'Eau

Expérience avec le Riz

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The Element "Water" is at the Heart of Cellular Harmony and Energetic Flow.

It is linked to Plants and to the Will.

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Water is Creator of All Lives, it is the Divine Flow of which we are made up to approx. 70%

Water Molecules are Precious, Intelligent Consciousness.

They Capture Information, Receipts, Records, Memorises, of Everything Surrounding it.

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But much more, Each Molecule, Each Crystals, Contains The Individual Memory and The Memory of All Mankind.

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The Evolution of humanity being what it has become, What beautiful wisdom today to Put Light back into the water particles of the Oceans, the Seas of the Lakes. It is imperative to be able to preserve pure water on earth and to be able to benefit from pure water (free of pesticides).

Water is a Powerful Energy, it will Influence Our Inner Water.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

So in parenthesis, I Call on the military who Project missiles in our Swiss Lakes or elsewhere in the world, so that they are recovered very quickly in awareness of what it implies on our energies, on humanity and on the world. Earth.

If You are there, it is because You want to Improve Your Life, to Open Your Heart and certainly also to Co-Work for a New Functioning in Society.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

And Water is the First Element Present in the Daily or You have the Power to Act

In Consciousness.

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Through the Magic of Water and Its Powers to Record Our Vibrations, Intentions, We Can "Inform Him of Energy of Love, Healing, Sweet Words of Light" for Self and or for the Planet - the Energize ", on a Feur de Vie before Drinking this Potion which has become" Quantum "

It is a privilege to be able to create one's own inner alchemical work. Inspire Life, Inspire Joy by drinking this precious water.

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Or Purify his Physical Body and Subtle Bodies of All External Energies by taking a magic shower or bath.

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Infinite gratitude

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

I had the pleasure of making 4 videos 2020-2021:

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

* Water Creator of Life, bearer of Memories

* The Magic of Luminous Intentions

* The Influence of our Energies-thoughts-words, on ourselves and the environment - test with rice

* Tribute to Mr. Emoto "

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I invite you to watch them "Bar menu-Videos"

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

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