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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.




The abundance of Artificial Electromagnetic Fields such as Mobiles, Radio, Television, Radar, Relay Antennas, Electric Current, Screens, Wifi, Bluetooth, High Voltage Lines, etc ... (Electrosmog), of Very Low Frequencies (anti-life), in which we are constantly bathing, are harmful for our cells , but also, could slow down the progression towards the elevation of consciousness because this lowers our V ibratory Rate and would not facilitate us to find our biotic balance and to adjust to the elevation. of the terrestrial vibratory rate. It is therefore very wise to Avoid as much as possible the use of these communication devices, although they are useful.
Sticking a “Flowers of Life” Sticker On the Battery, will partially neutralize the Harmful Waves.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Thanks to the Dowsing as well as by the care at the frequencies colors the harmful electromagnetic waves can be dissolved.

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