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How To Raise Your Vibration Rate

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

According to "Natural Resources Canada" the Earth's Magnetic Field (its protective envelope) has been decreasing for several years.

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The Planet Earth on which we have walked for centuries and Human Beings are participating in Great Changes; that it is on the climatic, environmental, economic and political plan.

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The Heart of Gaia expresses itself.

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As if: non-Love, non-Respect, non-Righteousness, non-Unity, non-Trust, non-Benevolence, non-Connection to our Spiritual Powers and to Heart Frequencies, to True Values Human: Peace of Balance and Harmony acted on the Heart of the Planet.

These changes are Co-created by the Thought Form Waves of Collective Consciousness and the Energies generated by Low Frequency Emotions, Lack or non-Love and Collective Karma.

On the other hand, we hear a lot about a Rise of the Terrestrial vibratory rate. A Transition is underway. Predicting a new Humanity because if the Planetary Vibratory Level Increases Our Also.

I intended to understand where this phenomenon came from and did some research which I will share with you.

<Very Dear Beloved Land, What Are You Living?

The Earth is therefore a planet of the Solar System, the third closest to the Sun.

She is a Whole, Conscious and Intelligent Entity. A Gigantic Living Organism, Organized and Evolving, capable of Self-Regulating its Functions.

It is Animated by the Creative Vital Energy of an Intention: that of creating a prosperous environment to welcome Life.

We are in the Image of our Mother Earth, as She is in the Image of the Sun and so on.

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As we are "The Guests" Magnetized, magnetized on this planet, we are in Constant Interaction with Its Energies, which explains why consciously or unconsciously, like it or not, one way or another, we Are Influenced by its Disturbances.

Our State of Being is Energetically Linked to that of Gaia and Conversely since our Thoughts, our Emotions our Acts influence matter.

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The Structure of the Earth is comparable to that of Humans.

In its Center Vibrates its Heart, the Core, made up of Merging Matter. The Iron it contains as well as the Reverse Rotation Speed ​​with the Mantle and the Earth's Crust, creates a Movement generating Electricity (Schuman Resonance) creating an Invisible Magnetic Field, Essential to Life on Earth. Representing the Pulse Waves of His Heart.

This Magnetic Field Envelopes the Earth like a Protective Cocoon, a Shield. Like our Aura Envelopes and Protects our Physical Body - And Protects us from the Mighty Sun Rays, Its Winds and Eruptions.

Our Mother Earth is also Covered, over its entire surface, with a Network of Energy Channels = Hartmann and Curry Network. (Geobiology), an Electromagnetic Grid.

These Networks of Vital Energy travel the Globe, like our Nadis allow the Subtle Energy to Circulate through Our Organism. They vibrate except particularities, at a constant and regular vibratory rate going from 6000 UB to 15000 perhaps more or less today in 2020-21 according to the places.

There are also Great “Sacred Networks” some of which exceed 500,000 or 600,000 BU, for others much higher still going to millions of BU. (Vortex, chakras of the Earth, representing our Energy Centers).

It is Thanks to this Grid and to the Magnetic Field that the Planet is connected to Cosmic Energies, to the Quantum Field. Thus receiving the Impulses, the Vibratory Information of the Universe and of All the Galaxies.

Formerly, the Frequency of the Earth was at 7.8 Hz but since the 80s this one does not stop increasing to reach 14 Hz - 16.5 and certainly much more still today October 2020.

What are the reasons for Such Constantly Evolving Increase?

The increase in the Planetary Vibratory Rate is a phenomenon that comes to us from the Cosmos

Here is some data recorded by NASA:

The Sun's Magnetic Field has increased 230% in strength since 1901.

Around the Moon a thickness of 6000 km of sodium has formed. Discovery of polar ice on Mercury. Increase in Auroral luminosity in less than 40 years on Venus. Global warming on Mars. Great change in brightness of Uranus.

They were also able to observe that our Solar System is also in Displacement and Vibrates Major Changes.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that we are in the Presence of a Phenomenon from the Cosmos.

Since 2012, we have been in a Zone of Space where there is an Energetic Cluster from the Star of Sunlight. Inside this Information Field, the vibratory rate is clearly higher.

This is why the TV has been on the rise in recent years and why our Field of Protection is experiencing Fluctuations.

As well as, in its Voyage in the Galaxy, every 25,920 years, the Earth makes a Complete Rotation on Itself at 360 ° through the 12 Constellations of the zodiac.

This vast Time Cycle is divided into several Periods which are aligned with the Astrological Signs. (Mayan calendar, Egyptian calendar).

Every 2160 years (25 920: 12), the Earth in its Rotation Around the Sun and on Itself, crosses 1 constellation.

We are therefore at the end of a Great Cycle of 25,920 years.

End of the Air of Pisces (end of the 2 Descending cycles) End of the Dark Age, to Transition to the Air of Aquarius 2020, at this time (1st Ascending Cycle) ie the BEGINNING OF "THE" GOLDEN AGE ”of Miracles.

The Quality of the Energy which descends on us and which interferes with the planet remains the same, but the number of cycles per second is increasing. (1Hz = 1 cycle / sec.). The higher we go in Hertz, the more cycles per second, the more the Energy is Intensified.

Since we are made up of about 70% water, an excellent conductor, our Molecules, our Water Crystals, as well as Our Energy Centers, Resonate with These High Frequencies and will Absorb, Record and Memorize them. . These New Vibratory Intensities also have an influence on Our DNA.

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They Induce Changes, Purifications. An Ascension, a Raising of Consciousness and an Opening of the Hearts of a percentage of Humanity.

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This End of Cycle, in the Bible is called the End of Times, the APOCALYPSE = the TIME OF REVELATIONS.

Time of Revelation or what was hidden from us is Presently being revealed to Humanity.

This To allow Human Being

* to evolve

* to renew your beliefs

* To Act Beneficial Changes

* To open the eyes and the heart.

* Thinking Consciously, Making New Choices

* Take back the Supreme Power of his Soul.

* Evolve towards Higher vibrations of infinite creative potential.

So we are not moving towards the end of The World but the end of a World of duality.

Separation, division, judgments, non- acceptance, resentment, competition, duality no longer have their place now.

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This means that the World ruled by the Ego mind, thoughts, feelings, conditioning is on the verge of Letting a New Better World for Humanity which will be hatched.

the Reflection of the Individual Inner Transformation of each individual.

Higher Energies Centered on the Heart while Cultivating the Art of Conscious Thoughts of Unity, Benevolence, Solidarity and Harmony.

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Long live the Emergence of New Future Perspectives :-)

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* The progressive Ascension towards the 5th Dimension =

A State of Consciousness of PEACE and Universal AME-GOLD and UNITY. *

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The Outer World is only the Projection of the story that we are telling ourselves in an unconscious way. We can therefore Create another, a New History.

It is the Gaze, the Perception that one carries on the world, it is the Vision on this Reality which Changes.

There is no longer this dualistic Interpretation since there is no longer this Identification with the body, with the ego, with the idea of ​​the ego with the ego.

It is The Presence of I Am, the Experience, the Consciousness of Experiencing.

Knowing that there is nothing but Ourselves since All That Is Seen on the Outside is the Projection of Our State of Consciousness which Unfolds, Manifest in Its Own Experience. Law of Resonance, Attraction, Cause and Effect.

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The Vibratory Rise in Self is something Wonderfully Positive.

A Feeling of Grace, Peace, Joy and Universal Love. A New Space of Beliefs and Positive Thoughts.

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TV Elevation:

* Tenfold the Senses

* Refine Antennas Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairesentience, etc.

* Awakening Our Spiritual Nature

Through the Collective Awareness of Our Creative Powers, a Much Better Life - True Respect for Values ​​and Human Rights, Manifestation of Abundance in All Its Forms, Peace and Balance, will be born in the Light of the Sacred Fire of the Heart.

Because Everything is There: at the Heart of the Spirit and of our Heart.

* The 5th dimension is therefore a Spiritual Awakening occurring within Self, a State of Grace, "Nirvana" to then Manifest Outside. *

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This is why it is put in the Light of Our Consciousness and Our body, All that blocks us and slows us down in Our Evolution. These New High Vibratory Frequencies of Love, come to Lighten the Depths of Our Being. Individual and Collective Memories, Soul Injuries, False Beliefs, Limiting Thoughts. Everything that the human Ego has tried to forget, to cover up, to repress is exposed clearly before its eyes. Because wars, External conflicts are the Reflection of Unresolved Internal conflicts. This is how the Old Energies Are Transmuted to enable us to welcome new ones. And for us A juster To N ew I nterplanetary V ibrations.


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Before Benefiting from all the Positive Aspects of Vibration Augmentation, it is possible to go through some side effects. Who can take us out of our comfort zone.

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The Instability of the Frequencies of the Magnetic Field also creates certain imbalances in the energy structure.

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Several Physical Symptoms can be / could have been experienced such as:

* Fatigue - great Emotion - Impaired sight, smell, taste, concentration, memory, Sleep disturbances - Nightmares - Tinnitus - Vertigo - Nausea - Aches - Loss of balance - Difficulty in breathing - Pain in the stomach level of the rib cage - Oppression in the heart chakras and solar plexus - Headache, throat pain - Dizziness - Pre-flu symptoms… *

These Signs are the result of the Greater Concentration of Energy and New Information Flowing through our subtle bodies to which our bodies are trying to adapt.

They can be states of "Resistance", of energy blockages "preventing this energy flow from circulating freely.

The body Reacts to the Opening, to the Expansion of the chakras, by evacuating old toxins (flu, rum, cough). Everything that concerns your Past will thus be Dissolved.

As heartache, bloating and diarrhea are linked to the opening of the chakras, more precisely to that of the solar plexus since this energy center is responsible for maintaining emotional balance and the digestive system., It will release anger and harmful emotions when opening it.

Any problems or difficulties with your karmic family will be released.

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Similar to the symptoms of Corona-Circus, isn't it?

More frequent Thirsty Sensation may be felt, as your body needs to be well hydrated as it expends more energy.

Indecision, impression of going in circles and doing things that are not related to his evolution.

Detachment from material ties.

All of these symptoms are Signs that the Body is adjusting to These Higher Energies while Harmony takes hold throughout Its Self.

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Hence the Importance, to Harmonize yourself to these New Beautiful High Cosmic Frequencies, to Take Care of Your Energies and Your Vibratory Rate.


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CULTIVATE like your garden, YOUR THOUGHTS, whether they are about yourself, others, current events or society. Change radio station to: Positive frequencies - THINK AND VIEW YOUR DREAMS for your life, for the planet, what you want, your goals and action plan.

VIBRATE CONFIDENCE in the face of what is currently happening on the planet, distance yourself from the media, and have FAITH in a new and better world.

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  • Allow yourself to Express your feelings, your thoughts, your emotions, through writing, painting, music, singing, dancing, drawing, theater. Free yourself from these energies inside of you. As the Earth proceeds to a Purification of all forms of energies, it is vital to Externalize "the negativity" and allow these energies to Transmute themselves into the light.

  • Practice Meditation 1 to 2 times a day. Yoga, tai chi. Mindful Breathing. With countless Benefits.

  • Limit the use of laptops, tablets, etc. NASA reports that many headaches, muscle pain, nervous system exhaustion, chronic fatigue, hypersensitivity, even cancer can come from artificial electromagnetic waves (see below).

  • Have a Healthy and Balanced Diet. The foods that we swallow also have their own Vibration Rate. On the one hand, Low Frequency Foods: white sugar, refined white flour, preservatives, frying, meats from mistreated or malnourished animals. And High Frequency Vibratory Foods which are fruits, vegetables, vegetable proteins, nuts, olive oil, germinated and whole grains.

  • Give yourself time to rest. In these moments of inactivity, the body harmonizes more effectively with the new frequencies.

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  • Let life do its thing, live its present.

  • Go to places with High cosmo-telluric frequencies. Churches, forest, etc.

  • Increase the frequencies of your place of life. Feng-shui, plants, burning incense, lighting candles, waves of positive forms eg flowers of life. Visualization board of your goals and / or your dreams.

  • Listen to the music you love that make you feel positive emotions, allowing your heart to vibrate.

  • Do a work of internalization - meditation observe listening, his thoughts, beliefs, emotions, inner behavior .

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  • Refocusing on the heart and not on the character and back to the present moment.

  • Detaching ourselves from media information, and from this illusory reality in which we believe we are evolving. Yet it is not. The matrix is ​​only a decoration, a setting in scene, a mental and superficial programming encouraging us to lose our awareness, to take our responsibility away and to follow the herd. This is how since the dawn of time, the Human Being has been led to think and act according to a pre-established model. He learned to do and to have at a very young age. By forgetting to be, and being aware of one's inner strengths.

The Good News is that today Thanks to the Energetic Transformations Humanity is awakening, it is more and more aware that there is a much richer life of wisdom just behind the womb.

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Because Everything that is currently Living on the Planet serves to reconnect, to exploit its full potential, to reconnect to its True Being, to return to a Quality of Being, a Quality of Life much more Beautiful, much more Harmonious, Much more in Joy and in Love. Really Bright.

However, to do so, it is up to All of us to do the work first.

"I Take Back My Power and I Come Back to Who I Truly Am. I Reconnect to My Inner Knowledge, to Faith."

"I Center and I Listen to my Heart"

"I Breathe Confidence, I Am Love, I Respect Myself"

"I Visualize the Dreams of my Life and my Dreams for the Planet"

"Everything evolves in a movement of elevation and for the good of All"

If you need help, and or if you would like to have some PERSONALIZED SOLUTIONS to ACCOMPANY YOU to Strengthen your Energy Field, and ADJUST YOU to the New Frequencies: Contact me ;-)

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